The Last Word, for now.
Workman’s Comp/Unemployment Insurance
Practicing Law
To our members,
A lot has transpired in the last few months. First, the Workman’s Comp/Unemployment Insurance issues that were raised by the state of Wyoming, concerning the tax consequences of fee-based services provided by agents (BPO’s, etc.), as well as the risk of being taxed on your commissions. The next was the “Razor Realty” case that was reviewed by the state Supreme Court concerning the issue of practicing law by an agent.
In response, the Wyoming Association of REALTORS® in cooperation with the Wyoming Real Estate Commission have worked jointly to produce a letter to provide as much clarity as possible. It is very informative. Please see the attached PDF below.
I would like to add that W.A.R. is already addressing the confusion brought up by the Workman’s Comp/Unemployment Insurance issues with legislation in the works. Thanks to the hard work of your Government Affairs Director, Laurie Urbigkit, at several interim sessions we have gained a sponsor (Charlie Scott) along with other legislator’s support to aim for a bill for the 2018 Session.
As a final note, the Association will not be pursuing any legislation concerning or resulting from the “Razor Realty” case.
With warm regards,
Your 2017 President
Shelly Duncan