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Legislative Update December 2018

Happy December! The Wyoming Legislature will begin it's General Session on January 8th. The Joint Interim Committees have been very busy, and we already have bills that we must address. During this month, Legislators often appear at Legislative Forums. Some are sponsored by your local Chamber of Commerce, or other civic minded groups. Could your Board host a forum? Of Course! Need help planning it? Just let me know. If you attend or sponsor any such event, please make certain to talk to your legislators about two bills coming from the Joint Revenue Committee. The first lowers the sales tax to 3.5% but adds it to a select few services. Probably several that you use and of course your commissions would be subject to the 3.5% sales tax! Ouch! That's going to impact a lot of homebuyers. The second bill that you will want to urge your legislators to oppose is a bill that will increase property taxes by 13%. To take the sting away, they are phasing it in over three years. This is going to impact your clients and you personally! Neither bill has a bill number yet (in case your legislator asks), but I'll let you know as soon as they are published. And finally, we are going to work very hard on establishing the State Political Coordinator program. This will entail identifying those REALTOR members who have a relationship with their Representative or Senator. Please contact me immediately if you have a good relationship with either your Senator or Representative or both. You are the person we're looking for. You will be the "go to" person for your legislator on all things real estate related! The easiest way to contact me is either email - or call or text me at (307) 851-11191. Thanks for your help! Laurie Urbigkit Government Affairs Director

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