The Wyoming Legislature has completed the first half of the 20 day Budget Session. Following are the bills of concern to Wyoming REALTORS. If you have any questions regarding the status of any bill, please do not hesitate to contact me. Text to (307) 851-1191 or Email
Disposition of water rights.
Sponsored By: Select Water Committee
AN ACT relating to the subdivision of land and water rights; requiring written documentation from the state engineer or state board of control on the disposition of water rights when subdividing land; requiring notice of the proposed disposition to other appropriators; making conforming amendments; providing applicability; and providing for an effective date.
ISSUE: Requiring developers to receive approval from the state engineers office could add substantial time to the process of receiving approval of a new subdivision. Time is money in the development arena.
STATUS: On General File in the House.
POSITION: Monitor with serious concerns
County optional real estate tax.
Sponsored By: Joint Revenue Interim Committee
AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; providing for an optional excise tax on the sale of real property as specified; providing for distribution of the tax; providing for a reduction of local distributions based on revenue collected from the tax; requiring rulemaking; imposing penalties; and providing for effective dates.
ISSUE: The bill would allow counties to impose a 1% real estate transfer tax on commercial and residential properties. The bill as written would have had a minimum sales price of $1.5 million dollars.
STATUS: Failed introduction 19-40 with 1 excused. DEAD
County tax protest-filing date.
Sponsored By: Representative(s) Bear, Burkhart, Duncan, Eyre, Greear, Heiner, Henderson, Knapp, Newsome and Western and Senator(s) Cooper, Driskill and Rothfuss
AN ACT relating to ad valorem taxation; specifying that a mailed appeal is timely filed if postmarked before the filing deadline; and providing for an effective date.
ISSUE: Most County Assessors are quite accommodating when a taxpayer requests information or wants to appeal their assessment. However, there have been issues with the timeliness of the filings. This bill simply allows the postmark or an electronic dated document to prove timeliness of filing an appeal.
STATUS: Placed on General File
Single office real estate brokers-licensing requirements.
Sponsored By: Representative(s) Duncan, Baker, Kinner, MacGuire, Sommers and Stith and Senator(s) Schuler and Steinmetz
AN ACT relating to professions and occupations; eliminating the requirement for a responsible broker of a sole proprietorship to acquire an additional license for the office; specifying applicability; requiring rulemaking; and providing for an effective date.
ISSUE: In 2017 legislation was passed to allow a single responsible broker the ability to open up to three offices under a single Broker’s license. Each office would have to obtain a separate license for each office. With the turnover in the Exec. Director’s position at the Wyoming Real Estate Commission, it was determined that the language change also required a sole proprietorship to obtain an additional license. This was never legislative intent, so this bill clarifies that issue.
STATUS: On third reading in the House 2/28/22 consent list
Property tax appeals-revisions.
Sponsored By: Representative(s) Gray, Bear, Harshman, Heiner, Jennings, Laursen, Sweeney and Winter and Senator(s) McKeown and Salazar
AN ACT relating to property taxation; revising the property tax review and appeal process as specified; and providing for an effective date.
ISSUE: Current state statute gives a person appealing their property valuations a very difficult and some say an almost impossible task. This bill would have removed the implicit bias to the County Assessor along with other tweaks aimed at leveling the playing field.
STATUS: Failed to be considered for introduction. DEAD
Property tax acquisition value study.
Sponsored By: Representative(s) Jennings, Andrew, Bear, Fortner, Gray, Haroldson, Neiman and Styvar and Senator(s) Biteman, Hutchings and Salazar
AN ACT relating to property tax; requiring a study on the changes necessary to convert Wyoming to a property tax system based on the acquisition value of the property; requiring a report; and providing for an effective date.
ISSUE: Wyoming real property is assessed based on market valuation. This bill would have directed the Department of Revenue to research the ramifications and possibility of switching to an acquisition based valuation system.
STATUS: Referred to the Revenue Committee, which reported it out with a do pass as amended. It was then re-referred to the Appropriations Committee and they voted it down, 0-7. It was therefore not reported out and not heard on Committee of the Whole in the House. DEAD
Trespass by drone.
Sponsored By: Representative(s) Sommers, Neiman and Stith and Senator(s) Driskill
AN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; creating the crime of trespass by drone; providing penalties; and providing for an effective date.
ISSUE: The bill would have required a property owners written permission before flying a drone less than 200 feet above the property.
STATUS: The bill was not heard for introduction. The sponsor believes it will be an interim study.
County optional property tax refund program.
Sponsored By: Joint Revenue Interim Committee
AN ACT relating to taxation and revenue; creating a county optional property tax refund program; and providing for an effective date.
ISSUE: The bill allows for a County to implement a property tax refund program.
STATUS: Passed the Senate 20-9-1 excused. It has been referred to the House Revenue Committee.
Reporting on business franchise tax.
Sponsored By: Joint Revenue Interim Committee
AN ACT relating to business entity records and reports; requiring business entities to report specified information to the secretary of state; providing rulemaking authority; requiring reporting; and providing for effective dates.
ISSUE: The bill would have required all business entities that file an annual report with the Wyoming Secretary of State to report their gross receipts. This is the precursor to a gross receipts tax bill.
STATUS: Failed introduction 5-25. DEAD
Property tax limits.
Sponsored By: Senator(s) Salazar and Biteman and Representative(s) Ottman and Wharff
AN ACT related to ad valorem taxation; limiting the maximum taxable value increase for purposes of property taxes as specified; striking obsolete language; and providing for an effective date.
ISSUE: The bill would have limited an increase in real property taxes to 5%. There is much doubt as to whether this effort would be constitutional.
STATUS: Failed to be reported out of committee prior to the cutoff. DEAD
Senior citizen property tax relief-constitutional amendment.
Sponsored By: Senator(s) Dockstader
A JOINT RESOLUTION to amend the Wyoming Constitution by providing for a homeowner's property tax exemption for senior citizens.
ISSUE: The bill would call for a Constitutional Amendment to allow for a property tax exemption for senior citizens.
STATUS: On 2nd reading in the Senate.
Laurie Urbigkit (307) 851-1191
