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2023 Legislative Update - Week 4

Updated: Feb 9, 2023

We are half way there! A lot of bills died this past week. If they were not heard in Committee by Friday, they were dead. Committee Chairs had to prioritize the bills assigned to them. Some bills (Real Estate Transfer Tax) didn't even get assigned to a committee. Shout out to Andria Clancy of Jackson, she sent me some amazing information that I was so excited to use to kill the bill this year, but alas... I didn't get a chance.

I highlighted Green, Yellow and Red again this week. Any bill that died is now red. I didn't group them together like I did last week, as that takes a lot of time. But the idea is the same. Green - Important and you may get a Call to Action on. Yellow we're interested, but basically just monitoring. And Red, no big deal and or DEAD.

Monday is the day. All bills must be heard on General File by Monday in the house of origin, or they are dead. We will watch HJ 2 closely, and if it doesn't appear to be moving up the list, there will be a call to action on first thing Monday! Remember 75% of Wyoming voters polled want a separate tier for Residential Real Estate taxation. Email or text me if you have questions. I apologize if I don't respond immediately. It's rather busy in Cheyenne! (307) 851-1191 Thanks, L.

Click here for Week 4 Report

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